Jan 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Starting (or rather, re-starting) a blog on New Year's day is probably not the most original idea anyone has had lately. But it makes sense to start something fresh. Besides, paper journals aren't working so well for me anymore.

The new year marks a time when we can look back on the last 365 days and count our blessings as well as our f-ups. We have the opportunity to examine what went well and what was wholly sour. And for some odd reason, we feel the need to sum up all that happened in those 12 months in one word. For Miss Toni Jones, 2009 was "fabulous".

**Que swirly screen indicating flashback mode**

January: I work at a job I don't much care for. I am a graduate student at a medium sized university in a mid-western town, just beginning the second semester of my first year. I am also the girlfriend of a great guy who is just beginning a 6 month internship in a different mid-western town, a 6 hour drive away. And live in an overpriced apartment with three other girls who are pretty cool. The list of pros and cons there is about even, so I am teetering between shooting up or falling drastically down.

April: The full school year is winding down and now I have summer classes to look forward to. Things with Boyfriend are going well. Valentine's Day was especially fruitful :-) We've been having the engagement conversation a lot more. Although we've only been together about a year and a half, the circumstances make conversations like that completely appropriate. By this time, I am gossiping to my friends about how he and I had been ring shopping and I am practically pissing myself, waiting for him to pop the question.

July: Summer classes are going as well as can be expected. Nothing to get too excited about. I did get a car though. Good ol' faithful Ford Taurus to shuffle myself around in. My birthday, back in June, was a good time. There's really nothing wrong with turning 23. I have been working at a major retail bookstore for a couple months now, as well. The pay is awful but the discount is amazing. The people are pretty cool too. The major thing to get excited about: Boyfriend is back from his internship and... HE POPPED THE QUESTION! Yes, "Boyfriend" is now "Fiance" and I couldn't be more elated. The reviews are mostly positive and there is an immense amount of bling flashing going on. All to the good. To celebrate the engagement, we spend the 4th of July holiday in Chicago and have a blast.

September: The summer is just about over. My classes went well and I found out I got a new graduate assistant job working at my school. It is actually the one I wanted from last year, so I'm pumped to have it. I also got into a fantastic apartment with two great girls with lower rent in a better part of the downtown area. Fiance and I are going through the average amount of talk-uments a couple goes through when in a long distance relationship. Although he is only 1 hour away instead of 6, the distance is still unbearable. So we bicker. Ah well :-) The date of the wedding has changed about 50 times now, and I'm getting buried under my wedding planning books (plural).

December: Fast-forward though all the drama of the last few months. Here are the major bullet points: Fiance got the great-paying job he wanted at the internship he did earlier this year, he'll be moving back to the city in early January; we've found our dream first apartment (which is actually a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhome) and got a great deal on it; we've moved some things around for the wedding to accommodate an earlier date; and I'm now focused on getting the rest of this last semester done so I can relax for a while. Graduation day, May 1, 2010, will be a great day for me.

**Que swirly screen indicating a return from the flashback**

So, that was 2009. Great procession, right? Full of drama and excitement.

At a more magnified level, 2009 did have its unpleasant parts. Issues with friends, family, and most of all, Fiance, put a damper on some sunny days. But I tuckered through it, like most people did in 2009. What I do hope though, is that 2010 will be obviously distinguishable from 2009. As the years of my life add up, I want to be able to appreciate monumental differences each one brings. I want to make sure I have plans and expectations for what the new year will be. If you truly consider it, calling them "new year's resolutions" is the most appropriate title, but really think about the phrase, minus the cliche and negative connotation. This year, I took the time to decide what I want to change in my life, beginning in 2010, as well as what goals I plan to accomplish before I see another ball drop. When I flip the calendar from month to month in 2010, I see nothing but opportunity laid out for me, and I plan to embrace it will purpose.

2010 will not be just another year.

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